
Written by John Arthur Spalding on October 14, 2020

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.”

~2 Corinthians 1:20, NIV.

Yes, I love you dearly.
Yes, you are My child,
Yes, when you are meek and humble,
Yes, when you are wild.
Yes, you may not tame Me, and,
Yes, I AM that good.
Yes, on the Cross you tried to shame Me, though,
Yes, I built its wood.
Yes, the world would be your oyster, though
Hating your gracious soul. And,
Yes, I spread My Table in your midst
In order to make you whole.
Yes, My child, I’ve mixed My wine together,
Surrounding grief with Love.
Yes, now let us dine, forever,
At first down here,
And then above!


~by John Arthur Spalding, © 2020